Monday, March 22, 2010

"It's My Birthday!"

I love my birthday! I celebrate it all week long! It was a super busy weekend! I didn't do very good at taking pics but it started Thursday at dance with some fabulous surprises and singing, Friday: lunch with mom, Ky, and Ash between cheer try outs and dance competitions, Saturday: dinner after Colby's cousin got married, Sunday: cake and ice cream with the Fam, and Monday: a relaxing night with dinner and a movie with my hubby!

Thank you for all the messages, texts, calls, and fabulous gifts and surprises! :)
Me and my man! "One year older... and wiser!"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First Time Skiier...

...That's Me! Colby took me night skiing at Sundance for my first time!

Riding up on the Ski Lift (don't mind Colby's black eye)

I actually really liked skiing... once i got the hang of it. The first time on the lift we were getting off the first stop and I went into panic mode for a sec and didn't get off in time. Therefore, i rode clear to the top by myself and had to ski down (luckily colby rode back up to save me) After that i was fine and we went down from the first stop like 5 more times. My knee was hurting the whole time and then i crashed on the very last hill! oops... Strained some ligaments on the outside of my knee! i guess that is why dancers don't ski?!!
My dream of being a downhill skiier in the Olympics is gone! ha i just have to hobble around!
I actually want to go again...someday! Thank you to my cutie husbad for taking me! love you!