Wednesday, June 24, 2009

2 years!!

June 22, 2007 I married my best friend for Time and All Eternity!
I am so lucky to be able to be with him Forever!
Only my Husband would be seen in public wearing tights!

We have had 2 great years together... and I can't wait for more! I have the best husband ever! I couldn't be happier!
Happy Anniversary Colb! Thanks for putting up with me! Sure do Love You!xoxo

Monday, June 15, 2009


So it has been a while since i have posted! we have been so busy! Here is just a quick update of what has been going on...
My sisters graduated from AF High and my sister in law graduated from PG. Congrats girls! I am so proud of you! love ya! Progressions had their Spring recital and it was so fun! my dancers did so good! they are so stinkin cute! Colby went to Canada on a bear hunt! He forgot the camera so we don't have any pics right now, but people there took some so at least he has proof that he shot a bear! yay... that is right... he killed a bear and thinks we are mounting it and putting it in the house! we compromised on the basement! He has a lot of video footage of the bears and the cubs he saw! they really are pretty cool! He had a blast! Our yard is coming right along, we are just about ready to put in sprinklers! we are loving our new house!
Other than that we are just busy working and doing great! (the first 2 pics are small and they won't go bigger sorry...)

The Smith Clan at Ky and Manda's Graduation
Ky, Brit, Colb, and Manda
The Robinson Crew at Gentry's Graduation
Robinson Girls Cierra, Gentry, Shalana, Britney
Emma, Kaicee and Taryn at their first dance recital!